Atopic dermatitis, also known as eczema, is a chronic skin condition. It causes dryness and blotchy patches on the skin. The exact cause of atopic dermatitis is unknown, but it's believed to be a mixture of familial factors and environmental triggers. Individuals with atopic dermatitis often experience flares during times of stress. Common irritan
Luminous Protection: Crema Facial Solar SPF 30
Experience the ultimate barrier against the sun's harmful rays with our refreshing Crema Facial Solar SPF 30. This lightweight formula blends seamlessly into your skin, providing comprehensive protection from UVA and UVB rays. It bestows a radiant finish while hydrating your complexion. Say goodbye to sunburn and hello healthy, luminous skin with e
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Y, por supuesto, no podemos olvidarnos de la hipotaurina, también muy presente en su composición, que ayuda a proteger la piel del daño oxidativo de la vela cerúleo. Rescata todos tus pañuelos y gorras del fondo del armario y luce tu mejor sombrilla. ¡Tenemos que protegernos de los UV del sol y una gran alternativa es hacerlo con unos comple